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The Longobards, an ancient people coming from Scandinavia, after long migrations invaded Italy in 568 and occupied it almost entirely. During their rule, Spoleto became the capital city of the Duchy of Spoleto, spanning across most of Central Italy.
Late studies recognized the central role that the “long-bearded people” had in the passage from the Roman Empire to the Carolingian one, wiping away the concept of decadence that was generally associated to such period before.
The acknowledgment of the Longobards’ role led to the inclusion of the serial site “The Longobards in Italy” in the UNESCO WHL, that shows the most important Longobard evidences in the peninsula.

Basilica of the Holy Saviour (San Salvatore)

Originally dedicated to the Spoletan martyrs Concordio and Senzia, the church is one of a series of palaeochristian basilicas that were built around Spoleto in the first centuries of the Christian period. The present title testifies to the ...

The Jewels at the National Museum of the Duchy of Spoleto

Among the most important evidences of the Longobard rule across the lands of the Duchy of Spoleto, there are the funeral outfits coming from the Nocera Umbra necropolis.
Finds include jewels worn by Longobard women, such as silver br...

Clitunno Temple

Located 15 km north of Spoleto, the Clitunno Temple is one of the seven monuments listed in the serial site "Longobards in Italy: Places of Power", included in June 2011 in the UNESCO WHL.
It is a small shrine shaped on the Corinthia...