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Palazzo Collicola

Palazzo Collicola, one of Spoleto’s most important noble buildings, is nowadays home to an art collection on two different exhibiting levels.

The Noble Apartment at the first floor is a remarkable sample of 18th-century noble residence, maintaining most of its original splendour. Recently re-organized and furnished with valuable pieces of furniture, including part of the original ones, it hosts a picture gallery featuring paintings dating to the 16th/19th centuries, among which the famous Spezieria by the School of Guercino, and a Still-Life by the Master of Hartford.
The apartment hosts contemporary art exhibitions all year round, thus creating an interesting mix of ancient and contemporary.

The Modern Art Gallery Giovanni Carandente is at the second floor, it gathers paintings and sculptures by the most important, 20th-century Italian and international artists. Organized in 18 halls, it features works by Calder, Pepper, Moore, Smith, Pomodoro, Burri, Consagra, Pascali, Accardi, LeWitt, that make it one of the most important contemporary art collections in Italy

Giovanni Carandente Library
The Biblioteca Giovanni Carandente, located at the Piano Nobile of Palazzo Collicola Visual Arts, is a collection of more than 30,000 volumes, that make it one of the most important modern and contemporary art research spaces in Italy.
It bears the name of the famous art critic, who accumulated monographies, catalogues, periodicals, as well as a huge archival documentation and works of art throughout his life. A photographic library, the Leoncillo Leonardi Archives and the Spoleto Prize Archives are also remarkable.

G. Carandente, Sculture nella città-Spoleto 1962, Spoleto, 2007

Useful information

Address: Piazza Collicola, 1
Phone: +39 0743 46434

Managing body: Comune di Spoleto

Opening hours
Palazzo Collicola
Gallery of Modern Art “G. Carandente”
Noble Apartment and temporary exhibitions

Monday 10.30-13.00
Tuesday and Wednesday - Closed
Thursday 10.30-13.00
Friday 10.30-13.00 | 15.00-17.30
Saturday 10.30-13.00 | 15.00-17.30
Sunday 10.30-13.00 | 15.00-17.30

from March 30, 2025
Monday 10.30-13.00
Tuesday and Wednesday - Closed
Thursday 15.00-17.30
Friday 10.30-13.30 | 14.30-17.30
Saturday 10.30-13.30 | 14.30-17.30
Sunday 10.30-13.30 | 14.30-17.30
Tuesday and Wednesday - Closed

If you want to visit the museum on days and at times other than those of opening, send a request email to

Library “G. Carandente”
Friday and Saturday
10:30-13:00 | 15:00-17:30

from March 30, 2025
Friday and Saturday
10:30-13:30 | 14:30-17:30
Closed from Sunday to Thursday and in August

Parking: Paid parking Posterna + mechanized path free: Exit Teatro Nuovo
Access for disabled people: Yes

Adhibition: Exhibition center, venue for temporary exhibitions, performances, events, presentations and conferences
Management museum services: Hospitality, ticket information, educational services, guided tours, bookshop
Event management services: Exhibitions, conferences, performances
Rental of the structure: You can reserve Collicola Palace for events (weddings, parties, etc.) Subject to the opinion of the Executive Board under the Regulation of Museums

For information, please contact:

Entrance fees:

Full price ticket – €9.00
Reduced ticket – €5.00 (from 18 to 25 years old)
Free entry for children and young people under 18 years of age | Students Academies of Fine Arts and disciplines related to art/entertainment | disabled people with extension of the benefit to a companion | ICOM | members of the Friends of Palazzo Collicola Association | journalists | touristic guides

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